Some nights I find it really difficult to sleep. One such night this week I was laying in the dark praying and a scripture I had memorized years ago popped into my mind; “Oh the depth of the riches and the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are his judgements and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor, or who has given a gift to him, that he might be repaid? For from him and to and through him are all things, to God be the glory forever and ever. Amen” Romans 11:33-36
Paul is wrestling with the state of his nation, the Jewish people, and the way that it seems that the gentiles are responding to God’s goodness and the Jews reject him.
God’s goodness and mystery stand side-by-side in our lives. God is good. Jesus demonstrated to us the goodness of God. He is good in every way, and in every circumstance. And yet we also live with unlooked for setbacks, suffering and even death. We can ask the question why? and yet there seems to be no answer that satisfies. Yes, we can formulate thoughts and ideas that focus on the fallen-ness of this world or the actions of man. We can ask if there is a reason, maybe bitterness, a pattern of sin or a curse. It is good to ask questions, but still there might be no adequate explanation.
It is then that we need to reaffirm to ourselves that God is still good. But we also live with mystery. We stand then with Job “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21
Mystery says that God is still God, who’s ways are beyond finding out, and we are not God. It is a place where even in pain we embrace the unknown and the difficult and can say; although I don’t understand, I trust you Father God to give me the grace I need each day.
It is in those places of loss and confusion that the kindness of God breaks in, supporting, comforting and even refreshing. Yes, the pain continues, but in the goodness of God we can move on, knowing that one-day, in eternity (if that isn’t an oxymoron), everything will be made new. When all is said and done; God is good!
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